My work

In 2008 I started theatre classes at El Galliner – Centre de Formació Teatral in Girona and met Txell Faxedas, my teacher. We then started a beautiful friendship and professional relationship, that has evolved throughout the years and is ongoing as I write these words now. After short and numerous collaborations with her in the acting field, I started being a full member of La Minúscula theatre company, together with her, Cristina and Xuspi. And today, we’re a wonderful family, a great group of friends and we have done marvellous shows together and had the time of our lives 😉 Many other projects and people have crossed my life since then, but I am still part of La Minúscula and this season we are bringing on new projects and ideas.

cristina, kas, txell i xuspi

cristina, kas, txell i xuspi

 In the last years, after having practised and studied yoga, reiki, NLP and mindfulness courses, I am slowly starting to complement my actress career with meditation and therapies, which I want to further develop into mixed courses, so I can offer people and children, mostly, all my talents and capacities. For a long time now, I have felt the call to help others, to make people happy and to live from this immense love I am. 


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